Sexy Girl on the Couch Funny

Casting Couch (2013) Poster

1 /10

No Sex, No Funny

A bunch of losers with no movie experience or talent make a film in order to meet girls. That's not the plot...that's what this movie IS. There's only two reasons to sit through a movie like this...boobs and jokes, of which there are none. Well, since I stomached most of the "unrated" version I think I actually saw a couple of boobs....but unless played-out, 1980's Urkle-esque jokes are your thing, there isn't a laugh to be had in the whole movie. There are some great, clever independent films out there with poor production value so I really don't judge on that. But the writing felt like it was done by middle school guys and the acting is almost a parody of itself. Not only isn't it worth seeing, it's not worth reviewing...but I sort of had to since there was one review here that was clearly written by someone associated with them film. No one, and I mean no one, else could find any value in this turkey.

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1 /10

A bland easily forgotten film.

Warning: Spoilers

I bought this movie because one of the actresses was in a project a long time ago that I really enjoyed and wanted to support her fledgling career. I should have saved my money. From the packaging, premise, and title one would think this was another direct-to-video raunchy sex comedy in the vein of the American Pie movies. In fact, the movie's climactic scene directly makes this comparison; nevertheless, this movie has neither raunch nor sex nor comedy. In almost every movie there is some redeeming quality, a decent performance, a few good jokes, some interesting scenery; however, the best way to describe this movie is bland. If it were food, it would be a bowl full of spaghetti without the sauce.

The movie is filmed as a fake documentary, which results in a series of very long, very flat, very boring shots. The first 30 minutes are a group of guys sitting around talking about making a movie, followed by the 'casting session,' a series of actresses reading snippets of unrelated dialog, followed by an extended party scene that culminates in a bunch of people jumping into a pool, something rarely seen on film. This scene is followed by a photo shoot with the very attractive female cast that instead focuses on the guys talking about the photo shoot. Free tip to future film-makers, if you are making a movie with terrible dialog and little action, yet manage to convince several attractive actresses to appear in it, point the camera at them!

There is simply nothing about this movie to recommend. The image quality is excellent, the audio intelligible, which implies while likely not a large one the film did have a decent budget. For the most part the cast, at least the female leads, all work steadily, even if in B-move fare, which implies they have both a degree of talent and appeal. Nonetheless, the finished product in an uninspiring, unremarkable, and easily forgotten movie. The movie is not shocking or horrible or offensive it is, as stated previously, simple bland.

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1 /10

I kept saying to myself 'Its going to get better'!

This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever watched!!!

I was soo bored because it never got interesting and half of the actors were terrible, it was like they were reading the script instead of actually ACTING out the script. If this was done on good actors then I would actually have enjoyed it because the story line itself is a good idea. But it was like I was forcing myself to watch it simply because I felt like it had to get better I kept saying to myself 'Its going to get better' But sadly it didn't. I don't understand how the lead actor got that role I mean I can act better than that, I felt sooo annoyed at the fact that it was completely too fake, and the main actor especially could not act. My stress levels were really high watching this! I think I silently laughed once throughout the whole thing.

I wouldn't waste your time on this nothing interesting at all, after watching nearly all of it I had to click off it because it was that awful.

And if you do decide to watch it you will realise what I mean with the actors not being able to act! ('You had one job') .

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6 /10

Casting Couch is no box office smash, but it has it's own special charm.

Warning: Spoilers

Make no mistake, this is not a high dollar production. It doesn't have any particularly big names in it, and the script is not a masterpiece in it's own right. What it lacks in those areas it makes up for by casting really really hot girls.

That is not to say the rest of the cast did a bad job, I think they did great considering the nature of the film. I do have to give this a 6 though. I feel like they could have done so much more with those ladies. Where's the obligatory walking in on the couple doing the horizontal boogaloo? Where's the wild girl on girl action? I know this isn't an adult film, but it is unrated so why not capitalize on it? If you just want to watch something that will entertain you and leave you with a overall good feeling at the end I would recommend this film. If you are looking for high-octane high-dollar thrills just keep moving.

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5 /10

A good movie - but not a great movie

After reading through the other reviews, having watched this one a few days ago I thought I should chime in. It's pretty clear that people have a mixed reaction to this one. Love, hate, and like me, middle of the road.

Is this a good movie? Yes. Is it a great movie. No. Is it worth the time it takes to watch it? If you are just hanging around bored I would say yes, should you postpone important plans to watch this ASAP? No, definitely not. It is funny, it does have hot girls, the story is a bit uninspired but hasn't every single iteration of every comedy ever made already been churned out? Compared to a lot of trashcan garbage I have been seeing lately this was a welcome change to be honest.

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7 /10

Proof that you don't need a huge budget to make a funny film

Warning: Spoilers

While it is true that it helps to have a big wad of cash to throw at a project this film is proof that you don't have to have it to make a funny movie. Nothing about this movie is going to make you go "WOWWWW", but I guarantee you will find yourself laughing out loud at some of the scenes. I don't want to write any spoilers in here so I don't want to reveal much, but I can say this movie has a surprising wrap-up that I found to be really charming. Looking forward to the next production for sure.

As for my rating of 7, perhaps it's a bit generous but lately there have been so many really lackluster comedies that got barely a chuckle out of me. It's nice to laugh.

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1 /10

"Breathe, damnit! Breathe!"

At the bottom end of the evolutionary and intellectual scale, you have those creatures who are literally too stupid to remember to breathe unless reminded to do so - and this movie appears to have been created by and for them.

It's not even (as many appear to be trying to suggest) a movie about socially-awkward but otherwise intelligent folk (i.e., "nerds") trying to connect with the mainstream world - these characters are the most annoying, spoilt wastes of oxygen that you could possibly imagine. Next to them, Paris Hilton seems like a well-adjusted regular human. These literally are the characters who couldn't even get a job "flipping burgers," as the phrase goes, because they're so utterly incapable of thought.

If you made the mistake of paying to view this, you'll be kicking yourself for quite a while.

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5 /10

lame dumb and stupid

Can't imagine why anyone would want to watch this crap... i sure didn't want to see it ... any doofus can cast a movie .. my no one can make a doofus movie but a doofus ...the star bored me to death before the first words came from his mouth...another high school jammer

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10 /10

Great Mockumentary

This movie probably throws ya off with the poster, but the trailer nails it. It's a mockumentary... and a really funny movie if you like mockumentaries. I thought the acting was good and the writing was really fast and really clever. It's funny to me to see some passionate hard-core reviews on this really good film. Either sad, jealous, horny teenagers that couldn't get a movie on the shelves themselves... or some lame ass actor who auditioned and didn't get in the movie! Hah. I actually live in LA, appreciate good filmmaking and saw this at a film festival. The sold out crowd freakin' loved it and I'm happy to see it doing so well. Kudos to the filmmakers on a well made indie film. It's well cut, slick and with great characters. Oh, and yeah... there are some tits and ass in the movie, but that's not why I watched it or enjoyed it.

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5 /10


I can't really emphasis enough how dude-bro generic most of the jokes are in this comedy. That's not to say that it isn't occasionally funny, it's just that almost every joke revolves around boobs or being gay, so it is pretty basic.

If you like American Pie style humour, but don't care about the use of any actual known actors or having a budget, then this is a decent enough watch. Also if you just want to see some hot women who aren't really given any purpose beyond being there to look at then this will be a fine movie for you.

Overall it was mildly amusing, while being extremely predictable and childish. It did get a little annoying being that it was so basic but it seemed like the makers of the movie thought they were doing something really original and kept trying to reinforce that. Apart from that it is an okay watch, just don't expect a great story, deep characters or outlandish laughs. Passable.

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1 /10


This film begins with a young man by the name of "Justin" (Justin Smith) complaining about his inability to attract members of the opposite sex. So, to remedy that problem, he and some of his colleagues decide to make a fake movie in order to attract single females during the audition process. To that effect, the film itself is told in a documentary fashion in order to capture the thoughts of everyone involved in this fiasco from start-to-finish. So much for the plot. Now, as far as the actual movie is concerned, although there were a number of nice-looking actresses involved, I can't say that their presence honestly helped in any way due to the bland script and the incredibly shallow format. To be totally frank, this movie was neither funny, sexy or even remotely interesting. At least not to me. But then, I graduated from the 7th grade many years ago. That being said, unless a person enjoys low-class humor of this sort, this is not a picture that I would recommend and I have rated it accordingly.

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10 /10

Took a chance on this, glad I did

I saw this at Blockbuster and took a chance on it. I'm glad I did. It's no masterpiece (low budget), but it's a fun hour and a half with lots of good looking girls, funny lines, and likable characters. The story focuses on a group of guys who hold a fake casting for a fake movie to meet chicks. Probably an idea the writer or director have actually tried to pull off at some point. The acting is all solid, which is rare in a movie of this budget, as is the writing and directing. I watched it with my girlfriend and although she hates these types of movies, she was laughing throughout. A solid movie to watch at home on a Friday night with friends.

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5 /10

Lesser documentary version of American Pie

Casting Couch is a film where not much is to be taken place, and not to watch the film taken it serious. It is a documentary style film which works in its favor. The film is straight forward and it did have several decent moments. The plot of course could have been better, and since the film was R rated and unrated they could have taken more advantage of the opportunity. In these straight to video films, audiences look for clever jokes and subtle nudity which there were very few in between. It played as an amateur video experience with a few friends but they film fell short. Although one should not have high expectations n a film like this and just watch it to pass time.

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7 /10

This is funny. Seriously.

Some of you hardcore IMDb'ers will scoff at my 7. You may even write me off altogether as a reviewer, and that's okay. All I really want to do in writing reviews at all is to impact a few people and share my experiences with them. Now that you have my mission statement, let's get on to the review.

This is funny, as in laugh out loud watch it with your girlfriend funny. That is not to say that it has an exceedingly high production budget, but as we have seen from recent films ( you know which ones I am talking about ) that doesn't necessarily equate to a good watching experience. Comedy is a tricky thing, what one person finds funny other people will simply hate. That's life.

The bottom line is, this is much better than the slew of romantic comedies being hurled at us starring people we are all tired of seeing who aren't even that funny to begin with. That's why it gets a 7. Fresh faces, fresh comedy.

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7 /10

My boyfriend made me watch this movie,

Warning: Spoilers

So, last night was movie night. I get to pick one movie and my bf gets to pick the other movie. So he picked this movie, and I was honestly really not looking forward to it. It just seemed like a movie made for "dudes". Now I won't sugar coat it. It is a movie made with "dudes" in mind. However, as I watched the film I started to see a romantic undercurrent beginning to flow.

These guys all go into their project trying to bang their dream girls only to realize they are actually falling in love with them. It's actually really sweet. Production quality is good, colors are rich, editing is on target.

The titling between some of the scenes is DREADFUL. They should have just edited it out. Other than that little tidbit it's really not a bad film at all. Pretty good for date night. :)

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8 /10

This movie will make you laugh... Seriously.

Warning: Spoilers

If you like to laugh this is worth the watch for sure. Yes, it is a movie about a bunch of guys trying to get laid by hot girls. Yes the girls are really hot and yes will see some top notch boob action.

Is this a Hollywood blockbuster? Hell no. Is it funny? Absolutely. Once you get past the first 20 min. or so it's really pretty enjoyable. I am not easily swayed but this one certainly did win me over. Does that mean I want to invite all my friends over and have a large public screening?

NO. But I bet if I did and there was lots of beer and a few hotties they would all have a great time watching this.

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3 /10

Fun Movie

Here's a fun one. Poorly made, very poorly made. But it does it's job.

Some guys make a fake movie to meet chicks. Great idea!

It is what it is

3 stars

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6 /10

I liked it, but you might want to read this before you watch it.

Warning: Spoilers

If you were to simply look at this cover you would assume this movie is another in a long line of adult sexual comedies trying to get a little piece of the market. As an aspiring actress I wanted to watch this and see what girls starring in a film of this caliber would be expected to do.

Granted, there was the obligatory nipple here and there, and some pretty off the cuff remarks but overall this was pretty tastefully presented and does in fact have a surprise ending, which is what earned it a 6. Quality wise, better than what I have been watching on Netflix lately for sure. The acting was OK, honestly I think the lead guy was sort of cute. Might even see him around some time. ( hint ) Don't go into this film thinking you are going to watch the next American Pie, but really it's not bad.

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6 /10

What you really need to know about this movie before you watch it

Warning: Spoilers

It is not a high budget blockbuster film. It will not blow you away with needless special effects or high paid actors you have seen so many times on screen already. It is not a film aimed at recreating every other film similar to it in the genre, although it does have many elements we have all seen in films like it before.

It is amusing, it will have you cracking a smile, it will present you with a slew of attractive women, some of which are not dressed. It seems to be marketed as a movie for "bros" but in all reality this is actually a romantic comedy. I should know, I have seen almost all of them made in the last 10 years.

The thing is, most movies in this genre are a snorefest, especially produced by smaller, lesser known film makers. This is not one of those.

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7 /10

I enjoyed a few good laughs

Parental warning. There are a few instances of nudity. Overall, I enjoyed the movie and laughed several times. Each character has his or her personality that were all crafted by the actors into a wonderful array unique and memorable identities. Great movie for a rainy day.

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